Botanic Materia Medica

Sanskrit Name: Amalaki
STORY: Giving Vitamin C supplements a run for your money---A 100g of fresh Amla berries contain as much Vitamin C as 20 oranges! This super berry is cultivated throughout India, and derived its name from the Sanskrit word Amalaki, meaning "nectar of life". It is a multifaceted superfood that nourishes the body with immune boosters and anti-inflammatory properties. The benefits of Amalaki are plenty and you can have your pick of the myriad ways of consumption --you can pickle it, make a jam or have it candied or crushed and juiced!
The Indian Gooseberry is arguably the most important medicinal plant in Ayurveda. Amla’s folklore stems from the tale that, Gods and Demons engaged in battle after the ksheera sagar manthan (churning of the ocean of milk), which resulted in drops of Amrit being spilt on Earth. These droplets seeded the creation of the Amla plant. Amla's scientific counterpart supports its folklore properties, it makes an excellent dietary supplement that we are so excited to share with you!
COMPOSITION: Amino acids, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), ellagic acid, gallic acid, hydrolysable tannins, pectin, phyllantidine, phyllantine, phyllemblin, Vitamin E
BENEFITS: This gooseberry is rejuvenating (rasayana) for the hair and skin, embodying a sweet and sour taste coupled with a cold potency making it the perfect analgesic and anti-inflammatory complex. Amalaki eliminates (ama) toxins from the bodily tissues, enhancing the skin’s natural beauty in the process as it nurtures the plasma (rasa dhatu) and blood (rakta dhatu). Amla has cooling energy thus, useful in the treatment of high pitta diseases such as acne, pimples, skin rashes and allergy.
Enriched with the highest amount of Vitamin C per 100g. Amalaki promotes a collagen boost while also protecting the skin from UV rays. It is a critical herb for improving lustre and elasticity of the skin with its antioxidant properties, Amla is empowered to support a healthy metabolism, digestion and the elimination of toxins.
Amalaki, is also known to promote hair growth and arrest hair loss and hair fall. In Ayurveda, we determine the root cause of slow hair growth or hair loss and treat the dosha imbalance and nourish the weak dhatus for healthy thick hair growth. Amla is no doubt one of the best anti-ageing and detoxifying herbs!
Taste- sweet and sour coupled with a cold potency
FEATURED IN: Beauty & Brain Supplement, Qing Cleansing Oil, Kesha Fortifying Hair oil, Camomila Eye serum
CITATION: Shukla, V., Vashistha, M. and Singh, S. (2009) "Evaluation of antioxidant profile and activity of amalaki (Emblica Officinalis), spirulina and wheatgrass", Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 24(1), pp. 70-75.

Ashwagandha (INCI: Withania Somnifera)
Sanskrit Name: Ashwagandha
STORY: Do you want better sleep, better skin and a stronger body? These benefits may lie in a wonder root that’s been used in Ayurvedic medicine for over 3000 years.
Ashwagandha alludes to the 'royal horse', embodying strength, vigour, power and stamina. Known as the 'King plant' within the herbal kingdom, Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that supports the body to adapt to stressful conditions. Adaptogens are non-toxic, reducers and regulators of stress by helping the body adapt and therefore benefit overall well being.
Ashwagandha is one of the few herbs with phenomenal effects on both psychological and physiological aspects of human functioning, which explains why athletes incorporate it into their supplement regime. As a Medhya Rasayana, it promotes learning and memory retrieval. It is sometimes referred to as "Indian Ginseng" as it is traditionally used in conditions of debility, emaciation, impotence and premature ageing.
COMPOSITION: Alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids, saponins, tannins, phenols, glycoside
BENEFITS: Ashwagandha is the leading rejuvenator (Rasayana) with a bitter, pungent astringent taste and a hot potency, pacifying Vata and Kapha doshas. As a power source, Ashwagandha directly improves energy levels and enhances overall mitochondrial health within the cell tissue.
An anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic agent, Ashwagandha prevents disease formation (vyadhikshamatva). The steroids and acyl steryl glucosides make it a great stress reliever by acting as a nervine tonic, thus improving thinking ability by reducing stress and strain placed on the central nervous system.
Ashwagandha improves cell immunity, by possessing potent antioxidant properties that help protect against cellular damage caused by free radicals. Enriched with saponins, this botanical powerhouse is an ideal cleaner and toner for any skin type. As a bonus, this powerful root also increases sexual power for both male and females and is an effective muscle builder.
Taste- bitter, pungent astringent
FEATURED IN: Soul & Spirit Supplement
CITATION: Singh, N. et al. (2011) "An Overview on Ashwagandha: A Rasayana (Rejuvenator) of Ayurveda", African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines, 8(5S).

Sanskrit Name: Bala
STORY: Often cast aside as a common herb and an invasive species, this wallflower is an astonishing tonic for boosting overall health and immunity.
Bala is THE beauty herb, used for glowing skin, boosting physical stamina, bodybuilding, weight loss, as an aphrodisiac and many more beautifying elements! This underrated herb is also an impressive pediatric tonic that promotes fetal growth.
A revered tree in the cultural traditions of the Indian subcontinent. Named after an emperor of the Maurya Dynasty, Bala embodies elements of a royal family who in ancient times ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent.
COMPOSITION: Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, choline, malvalic acid, coronaric acid
BENEFITS: Bala represents youth but also strength in Ayurveda! Rejuvenating (rasayana), nourishing and a tridoshic, its variety of benefits supports the increase of all dhatus, an excellent pediatric tonic. If given between the crucial ages of 2 to 10 years, it helps to increase all the (dhatus) tissues and supports the growth process in children. Bala is also a treatment for many children’s diseases like loss of appetite, delayed milestones, weight loss, and chronic fevers. Beneficial for the elderly, Bala increases their kapha, mamsa (strengthening) muscles and asthi (bones), important for a strong and healthy life.
The glycosides and proteins found in Bala emulate the skin's natural lipids enabling deeper nourishment into the epidermis. Flavonoids relieve stress and inflammation, thus enhancing immunity and regulating moods. Lignin and phytosterols improve collagen production and skin elasticity. Excellent for dry and mature skin, asparagine, an amino acid, is a deep replenisher of the natural moisturizing factor (NMF) of the skin.
Taste- Sweet, cold potency
FEATURED IN: Body & Balance Supplement
CITATION: Mahesh TS, Shreevidya M. (2014) “A review on balya action mentioned in Ayurveda”, J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2014 Apr;5(2):80-4.

Sanskrit Name: KHUBANI
STORY: Cold-pressed in a traditional wooden vat ‘ghani’ at source, and rooted in the wisdom of generations, the Bitter Apricot Kernels are a sacred remedy offered by the indigenous Himalayan womenfolk we work with. Ours is extracted at source in a wooden "kohlu" and stars in most of our creations! Apricot oil mimics and resembles the natural sebum produced by the human skin. Unlike many other oils, it is fast-absorbing, which makes it the perfect skincare without the greasiness! Himalayan folk use the oil to nourish their skin as it is highly emollient for the dry harsh weather. They also swear by the benefits of this stellar oil to prevent hair loss, arrest premature greying and balding.
With a zero-waste approach, our women groups dry the leftover oil cakes in solar dehydrators which are pounded into a fine powder and go into our face masks. The fine particles leave behind a nutty, marzipan aroma, which makes this a firm favourite with all our clients, especially men!
COMPOSITION: Rich in Vitamins A, B17, amygdalin and E, essential fatty acids 3, 6 and 9.
BENEFITS: For an oil so rich in fatty acids, tocopherol (Vitamin E) and protein. Apricot oil absorbs so readily into skin without any greasiness or a heavy oily feel. Khubani is a detoxifier oil loaded with Vitamin A, extremely helpful in the treatment of acne. Its high concentration of Vitamin E can counter the ill effects of sun damage on the skin.
Rich in Vitamin E, Apricot oil can strengthen the hair follicles and lends shine and gloss when used as a hair serum. The antioxidant potential of Vitamin E, ALA, GLA, certain fatty acids and actives can neutralize free radicals before they can attack skin cells and induce premature skin-ageing and age spots.
FEATURED IN: Sitara Strobelighter Serum, Mitti Raw Honey Face Masque, Qing Cleansing Oil, Camomila Eye Serum, Moonseed Balm
CITATION: Tanwar B, Modgil R, Goyal A. (2019) “Effect of detoxification on biological quality of wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) kernel”, J Sci Food Agric. 2019 Jan 30;99(2):517-528.

Sanskrit Name: Markava
STORY: Frequently mistaken for a daisy, Bhringjaj is a medicinal herb from the sunflower family and flourishes in moist terrain. There are two types of the Bhringraj herb; one yields bright yellow flowers, and the other blooms crisp white petals. Both varieties of flowers are used to prepare the oil, but the more preferred variety is the white-flowered Bhringraj.
This herb is an exotic hair specialist! Infused with nourishing properties, Bhringraj treats from the top of the scalp to the peripherals of the hair strands, effectively tackling hair fall, dandruff, premature greying, and also overall strengthening of the hair follicles. Also called Makava, it will leave your locks long, luscious and lustrous!
COMPOSITION: Vitamin A, flavonoids, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, ecliptine, wedelolactone, wedelic acid, apigenin, luteolin, b-amyrin
BENEFITS: Bhringraj promotes hair growth, arrests premature greying, hair loss and liberates any congested hair follicles. Eclipta oil is known to increase vasodilation, and boost blood circulation, resulting in an overall skin-body glow. Phytosterols are cholesterols that replenish and calm a stressed scalp, while apigenin repairs, rebuilds protein and regenerates hair and skin cells. Because of its pungent, bitter taste, dryness and lightness, Bhringraj balances kapha dosha, clearing blocked oily sebum. Its hot ushna potency balances vata, supporting equilibrium within the hair follicles. Eclipta possesses anti-hepatotoxic and anti-inflammatory activities. This botanical is considered anodyne and absorbent - the ultimate saviour for dry, sensitive, UV-damaged hair and skin.
Taste- bitter, pungent
FEATURED IN: Kesha Fortifying Hair Oil
CITATION: Roy, R., Thakur, M. and Dixit, V. (2007) "Development and evaluation of polyherbal formulation for hair growth-promoting activity", Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 6(2), pp. 108-112.

Sanskrit Name: Mandukaparni
STORY: The ultimate brain food! Gotu Kola is revered both in India and China as one of the most spiritual healing herbs. Native to the Himalayas, it is prized by yoga masters to deepen their meditation practice and for mental clarity. Gotu Kola is conducive to developing the crown chakra- the energy center that lies at the top of the head for balance within the body. The Centella Asiatica’s internal and external structures are tailored to revitalise the brain- even its natural leaf shape is identical to the brain’s natural design!
COMPOSITION: Amino acids, beta carotene, fatty acids. Amino acids, Asiaticoside derivatives, madecassic acid, beta carotene, fatty acids
BENEFITS: An Ayurveda hero, Gotu Kola has been flagged as the ‘fountain of youth’. Known for its calming and cooling effects, Gotu Kola is believed to awaken the crown chakras of the body, enhancing endurance and instigating awareness and wellbeing by supporting memory (smruti) and intelligence (dhi).
A revolutionary herb in reducing dementia (vismruti) insomnia (anidra) and (chinta) stress, making Gotu Kola indirectly valuable in conditions like high blood pressure. Asiaticoside derivatives offer admirable antioxidant and antimicrobial benefits. Madecassic acid found in Gotu Kola encourages skin healing by boosting collagen production within the dermis.
Taste- sweet, bitter, astringent
FEATURED IN: Beauty and Brain Supplement, Mitti Face Masque, Qing Cleansing Oil, Sitara Strobelighter Serum
CITATION: Bylka, W. et al. (2013) "Centella asiatica in cosmetology", Advances in Dermatology and Allergology, 1, pp. 46-49.

Sanskrit Name: BHAṄGĀ
STORY: A 'holi herb! As a child, I remember drinking “thadal” - a grassy, sweet milky almond drink prepared with freshly ground cannabis leaves, offered as an auspicious drink in honour of Lord Shiva during the festival of “holi” in India.
Hemp has a long religious and medicinal history of use in Ayurveda. One of the 5 sacred plants in the Vedas, Hemp has been used since around 2000 BCE in ancient India. It finds mention in ancient treatises like the Charaka, Sushruta, and Shargandhara Samhitas. So much so that the Ananda Kanda has a whole chapter dedicated to this herb, its toxicity, the procedure for purification, cultivation, preparation, and use.
It is important to note that CBD and Hemp oil come from the same plant but in different parts. Hemp comes from the seeds (with less than 0.3% THC, the psychotropic substance in cannabis) while CBD comes from the rest of the plant. Most formulas traditionally calling for cannabis in Ayurveda are now usually omitted with all the legalities around usage.
Our Hemp oil is cold-pressed and sourced directly from hemp growers in the Himalayas.
COMPOSITION: Zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and fiber, 9 essential amino acids, omega-6 gamma linoleic acid (GLA).
BENEFITS: These super seeds are enriched with protein and omega-6 fatty acids and the only seed plant without any saturated fatty acids, containing mostly polyunsaturated fatty acids including the highly sought after linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid. Non-comedogenic, these fatty acids nourish and moisturize your skin in the perfect manner to provide a luscious finish on the skin.
Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and anticonvulsant, Bhanga is an excellent saviour for various skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema, acne and dry skin. This botanical has also been used as a medicament for conditions such as rheumatic pain, intestinal constipation, disorders of the female reproductive system, and malaria-- its benefits are truly endless.
Taste- sweet, bitter
FEATURED IN: Sitara Strobelighter Serum, Rose & Seabuck Replenishing Face Cream, Mandarin Body Butter, Hemp & Seabuckthorn Cold Soap
CITATION: L.Pisanti S, Bifulco M. (2018) “Medical Cannabis: A plurimillennial history of an evergreen”, J Cell Physiol. 2019 Jun;234(6):8342-8351.

STORY: Senna is the richest known source of vegan, cruelty-free, botanical hyaluronic acid, mimicking its fantastic effects on the skin. We are discovering its exciting possibilities for skin health as more scientific backed research comes to light. Lining the avenue to our studio + lab, Indian senna trees, entwined with neem, moringa and flame of the forest offer much-needed shade; their pretty yellow flowers a visual delight!
A common plant in India, Senna boasts a phenomenal phyto profile for skincare. Ours comes from a local Ayurvedic botanica close to our studio and my childhood home that has prescribed healing remedies to our family and the local community for over 5 decades. Senna seeds are macerated for weeks in-house to prepare the small-batch oil infusions that we use in our proprietary formulations. Its bioavailability is enhanced when used with triglycerides, supporting the absorption into the dermal layers. Senna will leave your skin feeling fresh, dewy and moist!
COMPOSITION: Rich in sennosides A, B, C, D, rhein, chrysophanol, aloe-emodin, kaempferol, myricyl alcohol, salicylic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid
BENEFITS: Senna offers incredible plumping and skin conditioning properties. A plant-based alternative to hyaluronic acid, Senna delivers optimum moisture-lock and hydration with added skin refining results. It can attract and hold moisture up to 1000 times its weight in water. As a humectant, Senna effectively provides long-lasting hydration, locking in moisture, softening and smoothing the effects of fine lines and wrinkles. It also soothes skin by reducing inflammation and supports the repair and regeneration of skin cells.
Taste- pungent, bitter and sweet having high potency
FEATURED IN: Camomila Eye Serum, Sitara Strobelighter Serum
CITATION: Souza, D. et al. (2011) "An experimental model to study the effects of a senna extract on the blood constituent labeling and biodistribution of a radiopharmaceutical in rats", Clinics, 66(3), pp. 483-486.

Jatamansi (INCI: Nardostachys Jatamansi)
Sanskrit Name: Jatamansi
STORY: Sleep deprivation is becoming a concern for many, but fear not! Jatamansi is the perfect sleep inducer, relaxing the body, providing our life vessels the opportunity to wind down before bed, setting up the ideal state for a night of beautyrest.
Jatamansi is the secret to luscious locks, unlock the benefits of natural hair growth by applying this powerhouse all over your scalp and strands. Jatamansi will rapidly improve your hair growth while nourishing and protecting your roots. A potent, precious and rare herb that we carefully macerate in our synergistic complex of solar infused oils, this endangered herb is native to the Himalayas that prefers high altitudes of 3,000m to 5,000m. Therefore, our farmer friends in the Himalayas take the extra steps to nurture and nourish every Jatamansi plant, to ensure we’re able to preserve every sliver of root from the soil to your palms.
COMPONENTS: Jatamansone, jatamansin, calarene, steroids, alkaloids, sterols, tannins, glycosides, flavonoids.
BENEFITS: Of valerian origin, Jatamansi has multiple benefits ranging from skincare, treating bacterial infection, and odour. As an anti-inflammatory, laxative and sleep inducer, it is also a superfood for the uterus and among other benefits. Jatamansi is vital in all high vata disorders of nerves and brain used in combating insomnia (anidra), epilepsy (apasmara), hysteria and convulsions. Not only a nervine tonic but also a rejuvenative tonic (medhya rasayana) for the brain, improving memory (smruti) and intelligence (dhi). Jatamansi calms the brain and manages anxiety, making it an excellent herb for treating depression and stress, and indirectly useful for reducing high blood pressure.
Taste- bitter and astringent
FEATURED IN: Beauty and Brain Supplement, Kesha Fortifying Hair Oil
CITATION: Gottumukkala, V., Annamalai, T. and Mukhopadhyay, T. (2011) "Phytochemical investigation and hair growth studies on the rhizomes of Nardostachys jatamansi DC", Pharmacognosy Magazine, 7(26), p. 146.

STORY: The rare occasion when modern science agrees with Ayurveda, Unani, TCM and herbalism on the skin brightening properties of Licorice. Until I started formulating with Yashtimadhu, I only knew it as a delicious digestive, its shaven roots tossed with slivered almonds, dates and coconut. Yumm!
From medicine to candy- Liquorice is a delicious digestive. Perhaps for those who aren’t a fan of its bitter taste, incorporating it into a part of your skincare routine will allow you to enjoy its benefits of skin brightening and a seamless complexion.
Licorice is one of the oldest medicinal herbs, it soothes an upset stomach, reduces inflammation, and treats upper respiratory problems. Traditionally a wonder herb for men, liquorice is a wondrous plant that rejuvenates ageing men.
COMPOSITION: The flavonoids licoricidin, glabridin, the saponin glycyrrhizin, glycyrrhetinic acid, the prenyl flavonoid glycycoumarin, liquiritin, isoliquiritin, isoliquiritin apioside, licuraside, liquiritigenin, isoliquiritigenin, licochalcone A, and p-hydroxybenzyl malonic acid.
BENEFITS: The glabridin part of the Licorice plant inhibits pigmentation of skin. Licorice extract helps lighten and evens out discoloration, skin spots and under-eye dark circles, brightening up the complexion of the skin. Also let’s not forget, Licorice root is extremely helpful for redness, rosacea prone and skin sensitised with use of retinols and acids, or for any other reason. Rich in essential elements, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial, the Licorice root is a staple in improving hair health by preventing hair loss and dandruff. Scientific studies have also shown Licorice is an effective agent for the treatment of eczema and atopic dermatitis and may help with melasma.
Taste- pungent, bitter-sweet
FEATURED IN: Mitti Face Masque, Turmeric Sand Exfoliant Face Masque, Sitara Strobelighter Serum, Qing Cleansing Oil, Camomila Eye Serum, Moonseed Balm, Sunseeker
CITATION: Saeedi, M., Morteza‐Semnani, K. and Ghoreishi, M. (2003) "The treatment of atopic dermatitis with licorice gel", Journal of Dermatological Treatment, 14(3), pp. 153-157.

Sanskrit Name: MANJISHTHA
STORY: A fiery brick red herb, Manjishtha or Madder Root holds an important place in classic Ayurvedic scriptures for its kustha or skin transformative effects. A proven blood purifier, Sage Charaka classified it as ‘varnya’; with complexion transforming and detoxifying effects while Sage Sushruta referred to Manjishtha as ‘rasayana’, or possessing skin-rejuvenating powers. The Vanraj tribes in Kumaon Himalayas use the pulp of the whole plant with honey as a complexion treatment and ritual.
The root and stem are well known sources of anthraquinone and proven for their antiseptic and galacto-purifier activity on skin with significant inhibitory activity against acne. Research papers report anti-androgen action and the presence of vital antioxidant phenolic constituents in Manjishtha. It exhibits maximum free radical scavenging activity due to anthraquinones and glycosides present in it. Notable nitric oxide scavenging activity has also been exhibited in vitro studies.
We source our Manjishtha from certified organic growers in our home state of Maharashtra and prepare fresh and in house decoctions and macerations that go into our formulations.
COMPOSITION: Purpurin, munjistin, xanthopurpurin and pseudopurpurin. A wide variety of antioxidants like alizarin, hydroxyl anthraquinones and rubiadin. Vanraji tribes of Kumaun Himalaya use the whole plant pulp rubbed with honey as a cure for acne and dark spots on the face.
BENEFITS: A powerhouse purifying herb that effectively treats skin disorders, severe acne, hyperpigmentation and pigmentation anomalies of skin. Manjistha has a cooling effect and is used for removing toxins in the blood and in various skin conditions for improving luster. Also useful in the treatment of itching in eczema, psoriasis, herpes and scabies. Manjishtha heals skin tissue, relieves skin inflammation, balances the sebum and shields skin cells against free radical damage. The Madder Root is renowned in Ayurveda for pacifying fiery pitta dosha imbalances.
Taste- Bitter, Astringent, Sweet
FEATURED IN: Mitti Raw Honey Face Masque
CITATION: Chaudhary, Anand & Meena, Vandana. (2015). Manjistha(Rubia Cordifolia)- A helping herb in the cure of acne. Journal of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine. III. 11-17.

Sanskrit Name: Mallika
STORY: SAMBAC! Perfume is so intrinsically linked to memory and mine is a vivid one of my father waving a freshly plucked mogra flower under my nose in the early mornings, waking me up for school. Jasmine mogra with its green grassy floral scent is one of my favourites, and had to feature this flower as the heart note of my botanical mist.
The white flowers signify peace, affection, tranquility and respect, calming the mind and soul. Farnesol in Sambac allows collagen boost, enhancing skin suppleness and cell regeneration, helping treat dry and dehydrated skin. Expect to feel awakened, uplifted and refreshed - an exhilarating, perfumed luxury for tired, pollution stressed skin. Sambac may subtly vary in fragrance with changes in seasonal harvests. We hope that you will embrace its beauty and uniqueness in every bottle. Mogra is hand filled and housed in our beautiful violet glass apothecary jars to protect the bio-active energy of our pure flower hydrosols.
COMPOSITION: Benzoic acid, benzaldehyde, benzyl benzoate nerol, linalool, farneso
BENEFITS: Jasmine mogra’s sweet floral aroma helps relax and uplift the spirit, but don’t let its heavenly scent belie its powerful antiseptic and antiviral properties! Benzoic acid and benzaldehyde offer a great deal of masking, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory benefits. Farnesol allows collagen boost, enhancing skin suppleness and cell regeneration. The naturally occuring fragrant molecules offer soothing and warm feels to the body, mind and spirits.
Taste- bitter, astringent
FEATURED IN: Sambac Botanical Face Mist, Adaptogen Tulsi & Mogra Tisane Infusion, Camomila Eye Serum
CITATION: Ayaz M, Sadiq A, Junaid M, Ullah F, Subhan F, Ahmed J. (2017). “Neuroprotective and Anti-Aging Potentials of Essential Oils from Aromatic and Medicinal Plants”, Front Aging Neurosci. 2017 May 30;9:168.

Sanskrit Name: SIGRU
STORY: The Green Goddess! Shevga, sehjan, soijna or moringa as we call it, is a seemingly common yet mighty plant for both skin and inner health. Moringa has long been used in herbalism and traditional medicine. When I was a little girl, my grandma would task me with collecting soinjna ja gul, delicate white flowers that fell off the Moringa tree in our courtyard to make raita, a salad of homemade fresh curd, cucumber, cumin seeds and moringa flowers. A superfood with 2 times the protein of yoghurt and 4 times that of eggs, the leaf of the moringa tree alone contains almost 70% protein with an unusually high content of essential amino acids! Let that sink in!
Our Moringa comes straight from our local farmer friends who run certified organic farms in villages neighbouring our studio. We use all parts of this beautiful plant; the soft fresh green leaves go into our in house macerations while the oil is cold pressed from the seeds.
COMPOSITION: A superb source of rich protein, more than any other known plant source, and Vitamins A, B, C, K, phytochemicals like copper, iron, zinc, manganese and all essential amino acids including those containing sulphur (cysteine & methionine).
BENEFITS: Native to the Indian subcontinent, Moringa is a nutrient-rich skinfood that we adore using in both our formulations and our cooking! Abundant in bio-actives that restore elasticity, build collagen, reduce fine line, tone and lift sagging skin while effectively nourishing it from the inside out.
Moringa leaves are rich in phenolics and antioxidants like Vitamin A, B and C. The leaves are used as purgative, applied as the treatment to sores, rubbed on the temples for headaches and applied for anti-inflammatory side effects. Moringa ultimately protects the human skin from environmental influences and combats premature skin aging. This robust plant’s extract is a master rejuvenator, absorbing easily into the skin, nourishing lackluster, dull, tired skin at a deep cellular level.
Taste-bitter, pungent
FEATURED IN: Mitti Raw Honey Face Masque, Rose & Seabuck Replenishing Face Cream, Sitara Strobelighter Serum, Mandarin Body Butter, Qing Cleansing Oil, Cassia Face Serum, Moonseed Balm
CITATION: Ali, A., Akhtar, N. and Chowdhary, F. (2014) "Enhancement of human skin facial revitalization by moringa leaf extract cream", Advances in Dermatology and Allergology, 2, pp. 71-76.

Nagarmotha (INCI: Cyperus Scariosus Root Oil)
Sanskrit Name: Musta
STORY: The Indian riverbank grass gives any botanical perfume an exotic scent, Nagarmotha is credited with the ability to restore ‘qi’, the natural patterns in which the body functions. This botanical, only found in the Himalayas, the birthplace of Purearth, is a staple in perfumes, featured in woody fragrances, due to its robust lingering properties.
Musta has a long history of medicinal use in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. Its benefits have been documented in the Charaka Samhita, one of Ayurveda’s prime texts. This nut grass supplies nutrients to the hair and scalp revitalising it from the loss in nutrients from our daily life. Nagarmotha also arrests hair fall associated with dandruff and removes excessive dryness. It is an exquisite botanical to have infused in skincare products as both a fragrance and supportive hair tonic. This grass will enable you to regain luxurious, lustrous locks with patient and consistent use.
COMPOSITION: cineol copadiene, copaene, cyperol, cyperolone, iso cyperol, isokobusone
BENEFITS: Musta moisturizes the scalp and prevents the discomfort related to a dry scalp due to its possession of antibacterial activity and antifungal activity. Musta as a nut grass is beneficial in treating nausea and digestive problems. It is used as an analgesic for menstruation pain and the herb facilitates detoxification in the liver when absorbed into the bloodstream.
Taste- bitter, astringent and pungent
FEATURED IN: Kesha Fortifying Hair Oil
CITATION: Kajaria DK, Gangwar M, Kumar D, Kumar Sharma A, Tilak R, Nath G, Tripathi YB, Tripathi JS, Tiwari SK. (2012) “Evaluation of antimicrobial activity and bronchodialator effect of a polyherbal drug-Shrishadi”, Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2012 Nov;2(11):905-9.

Sanskrit Name: NIMBA
STORY: As a child, morning rituals in our household started with neem infused baths. I would wake up to large pots of hot water gurgling and bubbling away in our courtyard, strewn with neem leaves plucked fresh off the giant tree next to our cottage. Anywhere you turn, you can spot a neem tree in India, the serrated-edged leaves creating a canopy, fanning out against the sky like a formation of birds in flight.
‘Arista’ in Sanskrit- Neem means ‘perfect, complete and imperishable’. Known as ‘Pinchumada’ or the healer of skin infections, Neem is the sacred healing tree in Ayurveda. The earliest authentic record of its curative properties in indigenous medicine is found in Kautilya’s “Arthashastra" around the 4th century BC. Records show that non-edible Neem oil is perhaps the oldest known medicinal oil!
Our Neem comes from fair trade certified organic farmer co-ops in Maharashtra, India, eliminating concerns of chemical toxicity like residual arsenic and lead. We freshly macerate the leaves and seeds in-house to prepare our small batch oil infusions that go into our formulations.
COMPOSITION: Neem contains all essential amino acids, high levels of triglycerides, Vitamin C, quercetin, essential fatty acids including linoleic acid, oleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid.
BENEFITS: Neem has powerful internal antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce acne, congestion and clogged pores. An antioxidant, Neem attacks and eliminates free radical generation and prevents disease pathogenesis. Nimba is a gentle and nourishing medicinal plant that modulates various biological processes without any adverse effect, making it a safe and revitalising booster for problematic skin. Excellent in reducing redness, for rosacea prone and blemished skin. The quercetin in Neem encourages collagen production, vital for firm, toned and supple skin.
Taste-bitter, pungent
FEATURED IN: Turmeric Sand Exfoliant Face Masque, Mitti Raw Honey Face Masque, Rose & Seabuck Replenishing Face Cream, Sitara Strobelighter Serum, Mandarin Body Butter, Himalayan Salt Body Polish, Cassia Face Serum
CITATION: Mistry, K. et al. (2014) "The antimicrobial activity of Azadirachta indica, Mimusops elengi, Tinospora cardifolia, Ocimum sanctum and 2% chlorhexidine gluconate on common endodontic pathogens: An in vitro study", European Journal of Dentistry, 08(02), pp. 172-177.

Sanskrit Name: Vrscikali
STORY: Vrscikali, which means "common nettles" or "stinging nettles." are seemingly dark and thorny, but on the contrary they are emerald green and extraordinary herbs. Nettle is a plant that heralds the return of spring, a rich tonic of vitamins and minerals; and also a plant redolent of ancient powers skillfully bound to traditional women's arts such as spinning, knitting, and sewing. It has long been associated with women's domestic powers: inner strength and fortitude, with healing and protection, and the ability to "enrich the soil".
Nettle has many virtues, Roman soldiers in Britain found that rheumatic joints responded to a beating with Nettles, and Tyroleans threw Nettles on the fire to deflect thunderstorms, and gathered Nettle before sunrise to protect their cattle from evil spirits. If handled carefully, Nettle is a boon to a body and spirit, a natural immunity enhancer, potent, tenacious, humble and thus frequently overlooked by most!
COMPOSITION: Protein, Vitamins A, C, E, metals selenium, zinc, iron, and magnesium, acetylcholine, tannic and gallic acids, gum, and wax, sixteen free amino acids.
BENEFITS: Nettle extract has been used in cosmetics because of the many benefits of its topical application for skin health. Its anti-aging action is primarily ascribed to its impeccable antioxidant capacity. Nettle is rich in antioxidants which help relieve allergies, reduce swelling and inflammation and have antibacterial properties. It also promotes healthy digestion, detoxifying the body from toxins!
Extracted directly from the Himalayas, Nettle is a boon to the circulatory system, the pitta and kapha pacifier is a rasayana in Ayurveda. Nettle has the ability to act on the inner layers of the skin, it relieves allergies, infections and enhances skin cell turnover. Gallic acid, vitamins and minerals encapsulated by Nettle offer antioxidant, inflammation suppressing and collagen-elastin boosting benefits. Nurturing, cleansing and nutritive, Nettle is used to treat skin problems such as eczema, wounds, burns, coughs and colds due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
Acetylcholine and amino acids regulate skin enzymes and temperature, maintaining overall balance in the body.
Taste- bitter, astringent
FEATURED IN: Detox Wild Nettle & Cacao Tisane Infusion, Qing Cleansing Oil, Sitara Strobelighter Serum, Cassia Face Serum, Camomila Eye Serum, Moonseed Balm
CITATION: Bourgeois, C. et al. (2016) "Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) as a source of antioxidant and anti-aging phytochemicals for cosmetic applications", Comptes Rendus Chimie, 19(9), pp. 1090-1100.

Sanskrit Name: RUH GULAB
STORY: Tucked away in the verdant valley of the Kullu Himalayas overlooking the majestic Dhauladhar range, our small batch distillery produces the most exquisite (and expensive) Himalayan Rosa Damascena essential oil and hydrosol. Steam distilled into a pure essence in their traditional wood-fired workshop. No harsh solvents, no absolutes nor concretes (typically used in perfume making) which could dissolve away the medicinal, therapeutic properties of this oil and hydrosol.
The Rosa Damascena truly deserves her status as the 'Queen of flowers'; to produce a kilo of essential oil, our ladies gather around 4000 kilos of rose petals before dawn when the fragrance within the flower is at its peak potency
COMPOSITION: Vitamin C, geraniol, citronellol, nonadecane, phenyl ethyl alcohol, henicosane, 9-nonadecen, eicosane, linalool, citronellyl acetate and super high in flavonoids.
BENEFITS: A natural, gentle yet powerful antimicrobial and antibacterial oil, renowned for relieving redness and inflammation of the skin. The Rose oil helps prevent acne and pimples while it calms and soothes the epidermis. High in antioxidants, Rose oil helps balance moisture levels in the skin.
As a fragrance, the mood lifting effects of Rose Oil are increasingly being used by psychologists and therapists to help with anxiety, stress and depression.
Our 100% pure hydrosol with its pH neutral and mildly astringent properties makes the finest toner, protecting the acid mantle barrier of our skin while effectively drawing out excess oil, dirt and congestion from skin.
There seems to be some debate and insufficient scientific research, but it is claimed that certain components of rose oil can cause rare allergic reactions in some skin types if used in quantities that breach dermal limits. As a registered and notified EU CNPC brand, we adhere to their guidelines while formulating with this oil, but recommend you do a patch test or avoid it if you have a known reaction to it.
Taste- sweet, bitter, astringent
FEATURED IN: Rose & Seabuck Replenishing Face Cream, Wild Rose Himalayan Mist, Mitti Raw Honey Face Masque , Sambac Botanical Mist, Illumine Supercritical Face Oil, Camomila Eye Serum, Himalaysan Salt Body Polish, Anar & Pink Salt Cold Soap, Hemp & Seabuckthorn Cold Soap, Turmeric & Saffron Cold Soap
CITATION: Jodaki K, Abdi K, Mousavi MS, Mokhtari R, Asayesh H, Vandali V, Golitaleb M (2020). “Effect of rosa damascene aromatherapy on anxiety and sleep quality in cardiac patients: A randomized controlled trial”, Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2021 Feb;42:101299.

Sandalwood (INCI: Santalum album)
Sanskrit Name: Chandana
STORY: An icon in perfumes and colognes, Sandalwood is a deep, woody scent and often smells like a concoction of floral, rich, balsamic, soft, and sweet accents.
Sandalwood trees have been cultivated since antiquity for their yellowish heartwood, which plays a major role in many religious rites. The trees are slow growing, usually requiring 30 years for the heartwood to reach an appropriate thickness to be extracted for its preventative benefits. Once Sandalwood oil is extracted and applied to the skin, it will relieve any discomfort by inhibiting oxidative enzymes and has radical scavenging activity, the perfect warrior in protecting skin by eradicating any inflammatory agents already present within the body. A wonderful beauty sponge, it soaks up excess oil and sebum from the skin, thus cleansing under the epidermis!
COMPOSITION: Sesquiterpene alcohols, tricyclic α-santalol. β-santalol
BENEFITS: As an aromatic wood, Sandalwood is regarded as one of the most expensive and valuable botanicals in the world. Anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-proliferative agent. Chandana is a diversified skin enhancer by acting as both a preventative and treatment. Scientific evidence demonstrates that the regular application of Sandalwood is effective in suppressing the production of numerous pro-inflammatory chemokines, thus preventing any inflammation from occurring in the first place!
Sandalwood will treat acne, psoriasis, eczema, common warts, and molluscum contagiosum. Chandana is also supportive in soothing your everyday pimples, acne, and rashes.
Taste- bitter, sweet
FEATURED IN: Moonseed Balm
CITATION: Ronald L. Moy, C. (2017) "Sandalwood Album Oil as a Botanical Therapeutic in Dermatology", The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, 10(10), p. 34.

Sanskrit Name: Sariva/Anantamul
STORY: Sariva, Sāriva, Sārivā, Śāriva, Shariva, this root has many names but they all allude to the renowned blood cleanser in Ayurvedic medicine. The herb Sariva was traditionally known for its curative properties in skin burns and lightening skin complexion.
Sariva is the leading herbal extract in purifying the body, leaving you feeling refreshed from the inside out by treating the pitta doshas. Sariva is useful in nerve related diseases. Its purificatory nature extends to the mind, hence is used in disturbed, angry or irritated emotions resulting from high pitta, while reducing Vata indirectly by calming the flames of pitta. Sariva is appropriate for children and for those expecting. With the regular intake of Sariva by pregnant women from their 3rd till the 7th month, Sariva is responsible for providing the highly sought after ‘pregnancy glow’!
BENEFITS: The root of the Sariva has cooling energy and hence is useful in treating many pitta imbalance diseases. It is an excellent blood purifier thus beneficial in treating a variety of skin conditions mainly due to its high pitta. Sariva is the go-to rejuvenation therapy for skin rashes and itching. In men, Sariva improves the quality of (shukra dhatu) reproductive tissue and corrects sperm quality and quantity.
Taste- Sweet, bitter and cold potency
FEATURED IN: Beauty & Brain Supplement
CITATION: Nandy S, Mukherjee A, Pandey DK, Ray P, Dey A. (2020). “Indian Sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus indicus): Recent progress in research on ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology”, J Ethnopharmacol. 2020 May 23;254:112609.
H S, Prasanna & N, Maruthi. (2019). SARIVA : Blood purifying medicinal plant. 10.13140/RG.2.2.34643.53288.

STORY: How does one describe the wonders of this miracle oil on one page? My quest to source and harvest the finest quality sea buckthorn takes me to the wild, uncontaminated, glacier fed terrains of the Ladakh Himalayas at altitudes of some 14,000 feet. Bordering Tibet and Kashmir, this remote region is where I work with fair trade co-ops and women self-help groups.
The seabuckthorn here has the richest source of known Vitamin C with an ascorbic acid content of up to 2500 mg%! The content of carotenoids with an effect of Vitamin A is also astonishingly high. Our local ladies sustainably handpick the berries, with no mechanized harvesting, denuding or depleting of this precious medicinal plant species. We only pick ripe berries at their peak potency, high in phytonutrients and sun-dried on natural jute, not plastic so that no phthalates leach into the berries.
Ancient Indian and Chinese healing modalities have used Seabuckthorn for thousands of years and the latest scientific studies confirm the magnificent phyto profile of nutrients and bio actives in sea buckthorn for skin, health and medicinal use.
The graded, cleaned, dried whole berries make their way by road to minimise our carbon footprint, all the way to a bio hotspot forest just an hour away from our studio where the whole berries are supercritically extracted. Supercritical extraction is the greenest, cleanest method of extracting almost 80-85% of the phytonutrients from plants and is safe for both people and the planet, unlike solvent and high heat extraction methods which destroy vital nutrients.
Our oils are stored in violet glass to preserve and protect some 190 bio actives present in this berry, ensuring your bottle of this superstar oil reaches you at its freshest.
COMPOSITION: Super-rich in Vitamins A, C, E, F, P and B complex: flavonoids (with an effect of Vitamin P), polyphenols and polysaccharides. tocopherols, catechins and procyanidins, cyclitols, phospholipids, tannins, sugars: galactose, fructose, xylose, organic acids (maleic acid, oxalic acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, phenolic acids, e.g. ferulic acid. A high content of beta-carotene and other carotenoids such as lycopene, cryptoxanthin, physalien, zeaxanthin.
The richest known plant source of rare omega-7 (nearly 30-35% in our oil and rich in saturated fatty acids (above 30 wt.%) with a uniquely high content of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). Studies show high levels of superoxide dismutase, a powerful antioxidant that combats free radicals.
BENEFITS: A stellar oil that can revitalize skin in every way. Repairs and aids biological synthesis of cell membranes, protecting against harmful UVA and UVB induced sun damage and environmental pollutants, fading pigmentation and marks. Seabuckthorn oil is anti-inflammatory, with an excellent ability to treat acne, irritated and rosacea prone, congested skin.
Whilst supporting skin cell function, our oil creates an occlusive film on the skin to reduce trans epidermal water loss, providing optimal hydration of the epidermis. Essential fatty acids and natural glycerides protect, regenerate and soften the skin, significantly aiding transport of vital nutrients deeper into the epidermis.
The super rich source of Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is vital for skin health as it plays the role of binding and building the components of intercellular cement and epidermis cells. It improves blood circulation and supply of fresh oxygen to the skin, eliminating toxins which result in repairing skin structure, texture, appearance, tone and elasticity. The GLA penetrates to the deeper skin layers where it is converted to prostaglandins, effectively protecting skin against infections, allergies and slowing down the skin degeneration process while regulating the function of the sebaceous glands.
Our 100% pure Seabuckthorn oil is safe enough for pregnant and breastfeeding women and can be ingested for strengthening the inner system.
Taste- tart
FEATURED IN: Wild Seaberry Supercritical Oil, Illumine Supercritical Face Oil, Rose & Seabuck Replenishing Face Cream, Sitara Strobelighter Serum, Mandarin Body Butter, Sunseeker
CITATION: Zielińska, A. and Nowak, I. (2017) "Abundance of active ingredients in sea-buckthorn oil", Lipids in Health and Disease, 16(1).

Sanskrit Name: Shilajeet
STORY: Shilajit is considered a millenary product of nature, this mineral pitch is an excellent example of how the power of age and time can cultivate an extravagant resource. Shilajit is the byproduct of the decomposition of plant material from species such as Euphorbia royleana and Trifolium repens, these are organic humic substances, plant and microbial metabolites occurring within the rock’s inner layers. This decomposition takes place over centuries, thus patience is key to experience the benefits of this potent mineral.
Shilajit is a dark exudation from layers of rocks in many mountain ranges, especially the Himalayas and Hindukush ranges of the Indian subcontinent. This potent material has been used as a rejuvenator and a stress reliever for thousands of years as part of Ayurvedic medicine, which is attributed to its healing properties.
Traditionally, Shilajit is consumed by people from Nepal and the North of India. The Sherpas incorporate shilajeet into their diet. This is something to take note of, the Sherpas are renowned to be extraordinary human beings, members of the Nepalese ethnic group, famous for their speed-climbing records, embarking on climbing routes that no one has ever ascended, these are the superhumans who climb Mount Everest on the regular. With Shilajit as a staple in their diet, it speaks volumes of this mineral’s ability to build strength, vitality and endurance in the body.
COMPOSITION: Humic acid, fulvic acid, selenium and minerals
BENEFITS: Shilajeet, also referred to as mineral pitch, is the result of a long process of breaking down plant matter and minerals. Shilajeet is a viscous substance derived from rocks in the high mountain ranges. A complex combination of organic substances, plant and microbial metabolites, Shilajeet truly reflects the biodynamic composition in the high altitudes of the Himalayas.
This hot potent has been used as a rejuvenator and an adaptogen for thousands of years! Shilajeet is Rasayana with a pungent, bitter, and astringent taste. It is mainly for kapha constitution persons. Shilajeet is useful as a tonic to boost the immune system, muscular power and vigor. It’s attributed healing properties improves stamina and removes fatigue. It even specialises in lowering blood sugar and hence is useful in (prameha) diabetes mellitus.
Taste- pungent, bitter, astringent
FEATURED IN: Body & Balance Supplement
CITATION: Agarwal SP, Khanna R, Karmarkar R, Anwer MK, Khar RK (2007). “Shilajit: a review”, Phytother Res. 2007 May;21(5): 401-5.

Sanskrit Name: Marubaka, tulsi, vishnupriya
STORY: OH MY! What a controversial herb, on one hand Tulsi is widely used in Ayurvedic and folk medicine, and is considered sacred in Hinduism. But yet it is seen as an invasive species outside its native range. To Purearth, this botanical is a blessing in disguise, its multifaceted benefits are endless, both a herbal tea, and culinary herb with a pungent flavour intensified with cooking, it is reminiscent of clove, italian basil, and mint with a slight kick of spice!
One of only five holy herbs revered in the Atharva Veda (scripture for everyday life)! Tulsi is a mother remedy of nature that balances vata and kapha doshas. Tulsi is revered in Hinduism as a manifestation of the goddess Lakshmi. The plant is grown in many Hindu homes, and its presence is believed to increase piety, foster meditation, purify, and protect. The sacred ritual of watering and nourishing the Tulsi plant can only be carried out by the women of the home. Tulsi is cultivated at many temples, and the stems of shriveled plants used to make beads for sacred japa mala (rosaries).
Tulsi is a spiritual uplifter- always featured in the form of the Tulsi Vivah festival where Tulsi tisanes are given to the weak and frail to help liberate their souls.
COMPOSITION: Ursolic acid, eugenol, bioflavonols such as apegenin and lutien, ocimarin, rosmarinic acid.
BENEFITS: Tulsi is an ancient adaptogenic environmental stress and immunity enhancer by maintaining your body’s natural defence against pathogens and stress agents. Bioflavonoids such as apigenin and rosmarinic acid purify the blood from toxins and prevent the agitation of blemishes.
Taste- bitter, astringent
FEATURED IN: Rose & Seabuck Face Replenishing Cream, Mandarin Body Butter, Sitara Strobelighter serum, Cassia Face Serum, Moonseed Balm
CITATION: Mistry, K. et al. (2014) "The antimicrobial activity of Azadirachta indica, Mimusops elengi, Tinospora cardifolia, Ocimum sanctum and 2% chlorhexidine gluconate on common endodontic pathogens: An in vitro study", European Journal of Dentistry, 08(02), pp. 172-177.

Sanskrit Name: HARIDRA, HALDI
STORY: Vedic. Biodynamic. Certified organic. Rare is the blessing when you can work with farmers who respect lunar cycles; sowing, watering and harvesting to the sacred chanting of Vedic mantras; creating a symbiotic relationship between man, nature and the very food that sustains life. I feel an immense sense of gratitude to be able to source and formulate with Turmeric that comes from a lovely family owned farm in the Himalayan foothills, sustaining the ancient practice of Vedic, biodynamic agriculture to this day.
Turmeric is a household herb in India and one that I have naturally grown up consuming and using daily, be it in our cuisine or for sore throats, coughs and colds. I remember hot Turmeric poultices applied on my ankles to reduce bruising and swelling, for wound healing, and of course as an “ubtan” or masque in our skincare and bathing rituals.
COMPOSITION: Turmeric contains various curcuminoids including curcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin, desmethoxycurcumin.
BENEFITS: Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial, these stress busting properties makes Tumeric an excellent remedy for blemished, acneic skin and helps to reduce excess oil secretion by the sebaceous glands. Turmeric is renowned for its ability to reduce scarring, counter the effects of sun damage, hyperpigmentation and heal any skin wounds. The rhizome is used for improving skin luster, for this purpose it can be used externally as well as internally by mixing it with milk, formulating a creamy and nourishing paste, best applied as a rejuvenating and detoxifying mask.
Tumeric has the property of wound healing. When the powder is applied to a fresh wound, it helps to stop bleeding immediately and then helps to heal the wound. Haldi is also useful as a blood purifier, hence is ideal to be used for treating skin rashes, pimples and boils. We love how Turmeric imparts a luminous glow and radiance to any skin tone.
Taste- Pungent, bitter and hot potency
FEATURED IN: Mitti Raw Honey Face Masque, Mandarin Body Butter, Turmeric Sand Exfoliant Face Masque
CITATION: Akbik D, Ghadiri M, Chrzanowski W, Rohanizadeh R. (2014) “Curcumin as a wound healing agent”, Life Sci. 2014 Oct 22;116(1):1-7.

Vidarikand (INCI: Pueraria tuberosa)
Sanskrit Name: Bhukushmandi
STORY: This root is the key to resolving all your taboo problems--Vidarikand is a sexual tonic and herbal hangover cure! Think of it as your natural sexual enhancer, it promotes sexual desire, treats nocturnal emission in all genders, and improves sperm count in males. Vidarikand is used heavily for its action on the reproductive system, it strengthens the system and has shown multiple positive effects on supporting male infertility.
Vidarikand is the most nourishing plant-based botanical gifted by nature to humans. Nestled all over India in the Himalayas up to the height of 4000ft, Vidarikand is the warm and gentle aid to our pounding headache after one too many drinks, the perfect herbal detoxifier that cures your hangover without the harsh side effects of lab-made cures.
BENEFITS: Vidarikand is one of the best herbs that has a dual bioaction of (rasayana) rejuvenation and (vajikara) aphrodisiac. It increases kapha but balances other doshas with its sweet taste and cold potency. It has a specific effect on building (mamsa dhatu) muscle and hence it is found in many herbal supplements for strength building. The Pueraria is calming and supportive for the brain, liver, heart, kidney, bone, stomach, muscle and skin. Pueraria has also shown excellence (rasayana) for women who have undergone menopause. Vidarikand is also the secret to a supportive sexual tonic, reducing high pitta.
Taste – Sweet and cold potency
FEATURED IN: Body & Balance Supplemen
CITATION: Wang S, Zhang S, Wang S, Gao P, Dai L. (2020). “A comprehensive review on Pueraria: Insights on its chemistry and medicinal value”, Biomed Pharmacother. 2020 Nov;131:110734.
pure, potent & precious
We offer high performance Ayurvedic formulations to nourish your skin & senses.
Ethically sourced, fair trade and Leaping Bunny cruelty free approved.