A journey begins. I'm on a recce to the Himalayas - field studies from Himachal to Uttarakhand...

This quaint quiet little homestay is tucked away near Ranikhet Uttarakhand in the Central Himalayas. An eighteenth century colonial house converted into a homestay with like a real fireplace: wooden logs, chimney et al - My home away from home for part of this trip. That is a fuchsia plant in all its purple glory! Is it purple or pink?

I click this in a moving car (hence the poor photo quality) on my drive to meet with the Krishna Women's Savings Group, a group of ladies who forage and gather non timber forest produce in Himachal to support and sustain their families. Hundreds of red roses in full bloom, heavy and hanging on a roadside mottled concrete wall. And I spot this tall noble looking gentleman in dapper hipster garb :) a colourful woven cap, vest and cummerbund, the colours picking up on the blood red of the roses on the wall.
Crossing the rubicon? The bridge across a village tucked away in the Lag valley to meet with the women groups.

Long walks into little hamlets by the mighty Beas river banks dotted with wild rose hip bushes in full spring bloom. Tangled wild nettle, rose damascena bushes and cannabis plants which grows like "weed" everywhere. Wild artemesia, rosemary and oregano hedges perfume the pristine mountain air. May is flowering season and everywhere I look I see possibilities: concoctions, potions and lotions!
All photos taken by Kavita Khosa. Portrait photo taken by Mamta Chandra